Située au coeur du quartier Saint-Roch, à Québec, la librairie La Page Noire est une librairie anarchiste autogérée visant la promotion d'alternatives au capitalisme, au contrôle de l'État sur nos vies ainsi que l'abolition de toutes autres formes d'oppressions. Dans une démarche d'ouverture et d'échanges, La Page Noire a pour mission de diffuser de l'information sur les luttes et les enjeux historiques et actuels .
Venez y bouquiner, prendre un café, rencontrer de gens avec qui discuter de féminisme, d'anarchisme, de surréalisme et plus encore...


Nouveautés de décembre

Voici quelques-unes de nos nouveautés du mois de décembre. Par ailleurs, le tout nouveau Slingshot (un agenda) de même que le calendrier du fond de solidarité des groupes populaires de Québec sont toujours sur nos tablettes; profitez-en pour le tournant de l'année et encourager les groupes de la région!

"J'haïs les féministes"
le 6 décembre 1989 et ses suites

Mélissa Blais

S’inscrivant à même le travail de mémoire, cet ouvrage, à travers une étude minutieuse des médias (en particulier, des quotidiens La Presse, Le Devoir et The Globe and Mail ), retrace l’évolution des réactions à la tuerie. Mélissa Blais s’intéresse aux multiples explications du geste de Marc Lépine, et défend les analyses et discours féministes, nés dans l’urgence, puis violemment discrédités ou détournés, malgré les intentions clairement exprimées par le tueur. Elle examine également les principales commémorations, notamment celles entourant le 10e anniversaire, et consacre un chapitre au film Polytechnique sorti en 2009.

Révolutionnaires du Nouveau Monde
Une brève histoire du mouvement socialiste francophone aux États-Unis, 1885-1922

Michel Cordillot

Le socialisme eut son heure de gloire aux États-Unis entre 1885 et 1922. Cette histoire est connue. Ce qui l’est moins, toutefois, c’est la contribution de l’immigration française à ce mouvement politique. Des exilés de la Commune de Paris aux mineurs du nord de la France, nombreux sont les ouvriers et militants francophones qui ont poursuivi leurs luttes politiques aux États-Unis après y avoir élu domicile.L’historien Michel Cordillot nous rappelle dans ce livre les luttes, les espoirs et la vie quotidienne de ces socialistes français d’Amérique.

Révolutionnaires du Nouveau Monde, c’est aussi un livre sur l’immigration. À travers l’histoire de ces drôles de Français d’Amérique, on découvre en effet toutes les difficultés, les espérances et les modalités d’acculturation au Nouveau Monde.. Une expérience qui n’est pas sans rap­peler celle des Canadiens français exilés en ­Nouvelle-Angleterre , avec lesquels ces socialistes eurent parfois maille à partir.

Cuban Anarchism: The History of a Movement

From the publisher of African Anarchism, another brief but telling history of anarchism in the 3rd world. Here's the history before, during, and after the revolution—from colonial times to the present.

Five Ring Circus: Myths and Realities of the Olympic Games

The shiny rings of the Olympic Games have grown tarnished over the years as doping, corruption and other scandals rise to the surface. Those scandals are the tip of the iceberg, according to author Christopher Shaw, the lead spokesperson for several anti-Games groups.
Five Ring Circus details the history of how Vancouver won the bid for the 2010 Games, who was involved, and what the real motives were. It describes the role of corporate media in promoting the Games, the machinations of government and business, and the opposition that emerged.

Another Dinner is Possible: Recipes for Food and Thought

Another Dinner Is Possible is not your average vegan cookbook—It's a guide to developing a healthier relationship with the food we eat and the planet we inhabit. And it is an exploration of how food affects us on all levels and how we can improve our practical and political relationship to it.

The emphasis is on innovative simplicity: these recipes use easy-to-find and easy-to-prepare ingredients combined in unexpected ways. All the basics of everyday cooking are covered for those just starting out in the kitchen (with detailed instructions and essential tips on everything from sharpening knives to choosing the right variety of potato), but even more seasoned chefs will find a surprising number of must-try recipes for original concoctions and vegan versions of old favorites.

There are also Korean recipes, vegan versions of Scandinavian cold fish and classic Jewish dishes.

Just as valuable are the numerous original essays written by activists, covering topics ranging from vegan parenting and Western nutrition to reducing waste, eating seasonally, growing-your- own, brewing-your- own, and cooking on a large scale.

Mike and Isy are cooks with Brighton's Anarchist Teapot mobile kitchen, a volunteer collective that cooks for activist and community gatherings and mobilisations across the UK and Europe.

Moments politiques. Interventions 1977-2009
Jacques Rancière
Philosophe de l’émancipation et de l’égalité des intelligences, Jacques Rancière intervient dans l’espace public au fil de divers épisodes constitutifs des «temps consensuels» des dernières décennies: la «nouvelle philosophie», la chute du «communisme», les nouvelles formes du racisme, le 11⁠ Septembre, les mouvements sociaux ou les élections présidentielles en France.
Jacques Rancière est l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages, dont La nuit des prolétaires, Le maître ignorant, La mésentente et La haine de la démocratie. Moments politiques réunit des articles, des communications, des entrevues et des interventions radiophoniques suscités par des événements de l’actualité politique des trente dernières années.

Pirate Utopias: Moorish Corsairs & European Renegadoes

A look at the Islamic pirates and the Europeans that joined them, from the 16th–19th centuries, with particular reference to the independent Pirate Republic of Sale in 17th century Morocco. Swashbuckling never looked so good. Now in a revised, expanded, and updated edition no less, with a new essay by the author.

Maurice Demers, œuvre d'art total. Des environnements participatifs à la création collective
Anithe de Carvalho
Entre 1960 et 1970, le monde de l’art délaisse massivement les galeries et les musées pour envahir avec enthousiasme et candeur les espaces publics. On explore en ces lieux de nouvelles formes d’expression artistique : la création collective, l’improvisation, les installations multimédias. De cette effer­vescence est né un nouveau genre artistique : l’environnement participatif. Cette pratique développe et revendique un art créé par et pour tous et toutes. Interactif, multidisciplinaire, ouvert sur le monde, ce genre artistique est soutenu par un idéal : l’œuvre d’art total. Au Québec, l’artiste Maurice Demers, dont les créations collectives ont marqué les esprits à la fin des années 1960, incarne à ­merveille cette quête à la fois culturelle, sociale et esthétique.

Dans ce premier essai consacré au travail de Maurice Demers, Anithe de Carvalho nous fait découvrir les œuvres de l'artiste et, du même souffle, évoque les grands enjeux de l’époque : la syndicalisation, le féminisme, la critique de la société de consommation, l’identité collective québécoise, ­l’arrimage de l’art et de la technologie, l’avènement d’un « homme nouveau » et la création collective d’initiative populaire. Les œuvres de Maurice Demers, en effet, obéissent toutes à cette intention : impliquer la population dans la production collective d'environnements participatifs visant l’avènement d’une société plus juste. Que ce soit à l’Expo 67 ou dans les quartiers du Plateau-Mont- Royal et d’Ahuntsic, ces œuvres expriment les rêves les plus fous d’une époque pleine d’espérance.

Anithe de Carvalho est historienne de l’art et professeure.

Gilles Groulx, le cinéaste résistant
Paul Beaucage (Préface de Jean-Marc Piotte)
Gilles Groulx (1931-1994), figure marquante du cinéma québécois, était ­hostile à toute forme de compromissions. Du Chat dans le sac (1964) à Au pays de Zom (1982) en passant par 24 heures ou plus (1972), il a produit une œuvre cinématographique d'une grande exigence stylistique et thématique. Le cinéma de Groulx – loin d'apparaître comme un simple phénomène de mode – reste indéniablement d'actualité.Dans cette étude exhaustive de l'œuvre groulxienne, Paul Beaucage met en relation la démarche artistique du cinéaste et son enracinement dans les débats politiques qui ont secoué le Québec et le monde dans les années 1960 et 1970 : les indépendances nationales, les inégalités sociales, l'incommunicabilité entre les humains, les différences entre les hommes et les femmes, etc.

Mythmakers & Lawbreakers: Anarchist Writers on Fiction
The best fiction has always been a little...dangerous. For centuries, authors have used the veil of fiction to cast a critical eye toward the larger society around them: think of Emile Zola, Victor Hugo, Issac Asimov, Margaret Atwood, Aldous Huxley, J.R.R. Tolkien, H.G. Wells, Mary Shelley, and beyond. And now, for the first time, some of the biggest names in contemporary fiction discuss the endless possibilities of the world of fiction with a specific focus on anarchist politics.

In a series of interviews with SteamPunk Magazine founder Margaret Killjoy, Ursula K. Le Guin, Alan Moore, Lewis Shiner, Starhawk, Derrick Jensen, Cristy C. Road, Michael Moorcock, and a variety of other up-and-coming young writers reflect on the ways in which their personal politics have shaped their work. Plus, a fantastic introduction by best-selling sci-fi author Kim Stanley Robinson!

The Story of Crass

George Berger

Crass was the anarcho-punk face of a revolutionary movement founded by radical thinkers and artists Penny Rimbaud, Gee Vaucher and Steve Ignorant. When punk ruled the waves, Crass waived the rules and took it further, putting out their own records, films and magazines and setting up a series of situationist pranks that were dutifully covered by the world's press. Not just another iconoclastic band, Crass was a musical, social and political phenomenon.

Commune dwellers who were rarely photographed and remained contemptuous of conventional pop stardom; their members explored and finally exhausted the possibilities of punk-led anarchy. They have at last collaborated on telling the whole Crass story, giving access to many never-before seen photos and interviews.

Strangers Devour the Land

First published in 1974, Strangers Devour the Land is recognized as the magnum opus among the numerous books, articles, and films produced by Boyce Richardson over two decades on the subject of indigenous people. Its subject, the long struggle of the Crees of James Bay in northern Quebec—a hunting and trapping people—to defend the territories they have occupied since time immemorial, came to international attention in 1972 when they tried by legal action to stop the immense hydro-electric project the provincial government was proposing to build around them.

The Crees argued that the integrity of their vast wilderness was essential to their way of life, but the authorities dismissed such claims out of hand. Richardson, who sat through many months of the trial, mingles the scientific and Cree testimony given in court with his own interviews of Cree hunters, and experiences in gathering information and shooting films, to produce a classic tale of cultures in collision.

In a new preface, he reveals that the Crees—now receiving immense sums of money as compensation for the loss of their lands—appear to be doing well, and to be in the process of joining modern, technological culture, while retaining the spiritual base of their traditional lives. Meanwhile, Hydro-Quebec continues to eye additional rivers on the Cree's lands for new dams.

Toolbox for Sustainable City Living

When people envision food production or toxic cleanups, the last setting most likely imagine is New York City. But with more than half the world's population now residing—and struggling to survive—in cities, we can no longer afford to think of sustainability as something that applies only to forests and fields. We need sustainable living right where so many of us are: in urban neighborhoods. But how do we do it?

That's where this guide comes in. Seven years ago, the Rhizome Collective transformed an abandoned Austin, Texas, warehouse into a sustainability training center. Here, with their first book, two of Rhizome's founders provide step-by-step instructions for city dwellers—those who have never foraged or gardened along with those who have done dumpster-diving and CSAs—with directions for producing our own food, collecting water, managing waste, reclaiming land, and generating energy.

With vibrant illustrations created by a member of the Beehive Collective and descriptive text based on years of experimentation, Stacy and Scott explain how to build and grow with cheap, salvaged, and recycled materials, making the Guide an accessible and relevant tool for all members of the community. This manual enables us to move from envisioning a future with resources for all to living it.

The Urban Homestead: Your Guide to Self-Sufficient Living in the Heart of the City

The Urban Homestead is the essential handbook for a fast-growing new movement: urbanites are becoming gardeners and farmers. By growing their own food and harnessing natural energy, they are planting seeds for the future of our cities.

If you would like to harvest your own vegetables, make homemade jam or bread, raise chickens or convert to solar energy, this practical, hands-on book is full of step-by-step projects that will get you started homesteading immediately, whether you live in an apartment or a house. It is also a guidebook to the larger movement and will point you to the best books and Internet resources on self-sufficiency topics.

Wobblies and Zapatistas: Conversations on Anarchism, Marxism and Radical History

Wobblies and Zapatistas offers the reader an encounter between two generations and two traditions. Andrej Grubacic is an anarchist from the Balkans. Staughton Lynd is a lifelong pacifist, influenced by Marxism. They meet in dialogue in an effort to bring together the anarchist and Marxist traditions, to discuss the writing of history by those who make it, and to remind us of the idea that "my country is the world." Encompassing a Left libertarian perspective and an emphatically activist standpoint, these conversations are meant to be read in the clubs and affinity groups of the new Movement.

The authors accompany us on a journey through modern revolutions, direct actions, anti-globalist counter summits, Freedom Schools, Zapatista cooperatives, Haymarket and Petrograd, Hanoi and Belgrade, 'intenational' , wildcat strikes, early Protestant communities, Native American democratic practices, the Workers' Solidarity Club of Youngstown, occupied factories, self-organized councils and soviets, the lives of forgotten revolutionaries, Quaker meetings, antiwar movements, and prison rebellions. Neglected and forgotten moments of interracial self-activity are brought to light. The book invites the attention of readers who believe that a better world, on the other side of capitalism and state bureaucracy, may indeed be possible.

Anarchism And Other Essays

Emma Goldman

A useful selection of the writings of Red Emma covering a wide range of subjects. Seven essays in all.

Rebel Moon: Anarchist Rants And Poems -

Norman Nawrocki

As front man/bigmouth for Montreal's acclaimed anarcho "rebel news orchestra", RHYTHM ACTIVISM, Nawrocki's powerful spoken word pieces are known worldwide through the band's 30 releases and thousands of live shows across Canada, the USA and Europe. Much of his material has been used to help organize and empower audiences around specific issues of social justice.

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