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Is Socialist Revolution in the U.S. Possible ?

Mary-Alice WATERS, 2008, PathFinder Press.

To think that a socialist revolution in the U.S. is not possible, you would have to believe not only that the ruling families of the imperialist countries and their economic wizards have found a way to 'manage' capitalism. You would also have to close your eyes to the spreading imperialist wars, and economic, financial, and social crises we are in the midst of.Mary-Alice Waters,Caracas, November 2007

Part of a wide ranging debate on'' The United States: a possible revolution'' at the 2007 Venezuela International Book Fair, Waters explains in these pages why a socialist revolution in the United States is possible. Why revolutionnary struggles by working people are inevitable - initiated not by the toilers, but forced upon by the crisis-driven assaults of the propertied classes. As a fighting vanguard of the toilers emerges, the outlines of these coming class battles can already be seen.

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